Feb 12, 2025  
Online Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 
Online Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 Archived Catalog

Learning Resources

John Brown University Library

The two-story John Brown University Library-also known as the Arutunoff Learning Resource Center-is the central location for resources supporting the research needs of the JBU community. The library is an important part of the academic program at JBU and functions as a partner in the teaching/learning process. The main collection consists of over 115,000 items, including books, microforms, and DVDs. In addition, the library subscribes to more than 67,000 periodical titles, nearly all of which are available electronically. The library also subscribes to 144 electronic databases (full-text periodicals, online reference resources, and indexes) and provides access to 330,000 e-book titles.

The professional library staff provides research and reference services to both individuals and groups, and efficient interlibrary loan services to the JBU community. The library facility includes large and small study rooms, a classroom, presentation practice equipment and spaces, quiet and comfortable spaces for reading, and 46 computers for student use. The Writing Center and ITS Help Desk are also located in the JBU Library.

In addition to resources in the main library, a number of materials are housed in two library branches. The Music Library, on the lower level of the Cathedral, contains music sound recordings, scores, and appropriate listening equipment. The Career Development Center Library, on the first floor of the Walker Student Center, houses materials related to vocational counseling and graduate school opportunities. The Film Library is housed in the main library and contains films that have been selected based on their recommendation by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the American Film Institute, or Arts & Faith.

The gateway to the JBU Library is its web site, www.jbu.edu/library/, where information about all library collections and services may be obtained. The library web site features an online catalog that can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. Students can connect to electronic databases through the campus network and via remote access. Reference questions and interlibrary loan requests can be made online or via e-mail at library@jbu.edu.

The JBU Library belongs to several networks and consortia. To provide efficient interlibrary loan services, the library is a member of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), which gives our users borrowing privileges to over 250 million items held in over 72,000 member libraries worldwide. The library belongs to ARKLink (a consortium of 47 academic libraries in Arkansas) and AMIGOS (a regional resource-sharing network). The library is a charter member of the Christian Librarian Association Network.

Special collections in the JBU library include the published materials of the school’s founder, John E. Brown, Sr., materials of radio evangelist J. Vernon McGee, the Romig Juvenile Literature Collection, and the Gary and Carrie Oliver Marriage and Family Resource Room. In addition, the JBU Archives houses an extensive collection of artifacts related to the history of the university.

Library Hours (may vary)
Monday - Thursday 7:30am - Midnight  
Friday 7:30am - 5:00 pm  
Saturday 11:00am - 6:00pm  
Sunday 3:00pm - Midnight  


Library Contacts
Circulation 479.524.7202  
Research Assistance 479.524.7153  
Interlibrary Loan 479.524.7276  
Instructional Services 479.524.7355  
Email library@jbu.edu  

LIBRARY WEB SITE http://www.jbu.edu/library/

LIBRARY CARD Use your JBU student ID card. You may also borrow materials from 27 academic libraries in Arkansas using a free ARKLink card. Contact Beckie Peden (x7202 or bpeden@jbu.edu) for details.

FIND ARTICLES A wide variety of academic journal databases, ebook collections, and other materials are available online through the library web site. Go to www.jbu.edu/library, click on “Online Resources” and then select a resource to search from the relevant subject area. If off-campus, when prompted enter your JBU username and password.

Online resources include:

  • ABI/INFORM Complete (full-text business journals)
  • Accounting & Tax Periodicals (accounting and tax journals)
  • Business Source Elite (full-text business journals)
  • eBooks on EBSCOhost (scholarly e-books)
  • Gale Academic OneFile (full-text journals in all disciplines)
  • Hoover’s Company Records (information about companies worldwide)
  • IBISWorld (market research and analysis of U.S. industries)
  • LexisNexis Academic (business, news, and legal information)
  • MarketResearch.com (data and analysis of industries, markets, and products)
  • ProQuest Central (full-text journals in all disciplines)
  • ProQuest Psychology Journals (full-text psychology journals)
  • PsycINFO (comprehensive behavioral science and mental health literature index)
  • WorldCat (worldwide book catalog)

FIND BOOKS - Use the online catalog located at the library homepage: www.jbu.edu/library.

CHECKOUT PERIOD - 21 days for books. Renewal period is 21 days. May be renewed twice if there is no hold on the book; renewable by phone or email: library@jbu.edu. A student may have up to 20 books checked out at any time. Document delivery: We can email articles or mail books to you from our library; you are responsible for return postage on books.

INTERLIBRARY LOANS - Items not available through the library may be obtained from other libraries through our interlibrary loan service. Request items not available in the library in person or by mail, phone, or email (jposey@jbu.edu) or use the ILLiad form on the library web site (login required). Most books arrive within 1 - 2 weeks and articles within days. Articles will typically be delivered to you electronically. Books can be mailed to you; you are responsible for return postage.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS - Research and other library questions may be asked at the library reference desk, phoned in (x7153), emailed (library@jbu.edu) or texted: 479-310-JBU1 (5281).

STYLE GUIDES - Go to “Research Help” at the library home page; select “Cite Your Sources.”

WRITING CENTER - Located in the library or online consultation services available through Writing Center site located on EagleNet. Contact jhimes@jbu.edu regarding hours and services.

FINES/FEES - $.25 per day per overdue item. You will be billed for replacement of missing item(s), plus $10 processing fee per item.

Information Technology Services

John Brown University has many technology resources available for students. All campus buildings and remote sites are interconnected with a network infrastructure that allows for authorized access from classrooms, laboratories, offices, residence halls, and remote locations. Wireless networking also extends accessibility in most residential and study areas throughout the university.

On the Siloam Springs campus, there are computer labs in each academic building for student use. The Library has general purpose, collaborative computing resources available days and evenings throughout the week. Both black and white and color printing is available for a small fee.

JBU Online Undergraduate students have access to additional computing resources at the Rogers Center and Little Rock Center. Computers with Internet access and laser printing are available for student use in common study areas. Wireless Internet access is also available.

The Media Lab, located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC), offers assistance in specialized printing, provides art and project supplies for purchase, and manages the rental of audio/visual technology used for academics and small events.

The Help Desk, also located in the LRC, is available for assistance with any questions or issues related to technology use on campus, with extended hours throughout the week and weekend.

Students who bring a computer to any of the campuses may connect to the campus network using their provided username and password. Once connected, students can access the Internet, EagleNet, the Library, JBU email, and personal network storage.

Policies regarding the privacy of electronic information and appropriate computer use at John Brown University may be referenced in the Information Technology Services Acceptable Use Policy. This, and additional information about technology services, may be found through the web via the EagleNet portal or by contacting the ITS Help Desk at 479-524-7256, or email help@jbu.edu.

Important Notice Regarding the Privacy of Electronic Information

John Brown University cannot and does not make any guarantee, explicit or implied, regarding the privacy of electronic mail or information saved in network folders. Electronic communication is vulnerable to interception, misdirection, or rerouting. Therefore, highly confidential materials should be delivered or stored in another manner.

Note also that occasionally a representative of the university may see all or part of an electronic message sent by you or addressed to you. University personnel may also view files saved in network folders. Information contained in electronic messages or network directory files may be used against you in disciplinary proceedings.

Policies for appropriate computer use at JBU:

Disciplinary action will be taken whenever anyone is found to be in violation of this code. Violations of civil or criminal law will be referred to Campus Security.

  • You should use only those computer accounts which have been authorized for your use.
  • You must always identify computing work with your own name or other approved ID. Do not attempt to modify files or otherwise work on the JBU Network without logging in.
  • You are responsible for any activity conducted with your computer accounts. Do not tell anyone else your password or “log on” to a computer for someone else using your account.
  • If you have access to privileged or sensitive information, you may not disclose that information for any purpose other than official University business.
  • You must not attempt to access, copy, or destroy programs or files that belong to other users or to the University without prior authorization.
  • Unauthorized or fraudulent use of the University’s computing resources is a serious violation of University regulations and may be against the law.
  • You may not use JBU computer systems to make or store illegal copies of copyrighted digital materials, including computer programs, pictures, clipart and other images, movies and videos, textual information, articles, reports, and music. If you are running KaZaa, Morpheus, iMesh, Grokster, Limewire, Bearshare, WinMX or any other similar programs and storing the files you download on JBU computers, you are probably in violation of this policy.
  • Programs acquired elsewhere must not be used on JBU computers. Only Information Technology Services (ITS) may place software onto the network or onto lab computers.
  • Do not store shareware, freeware, uninstalled plugins, or other downloaded software on lab hard drives or in personal network folders. Such files will be deleted regularly from lab computers and network folders.
  • Your use of software owned by John Brown University must abide by the copyright and license agreements. It is your responsibility to become familiar with the copyright/ licensing agreements before using a product. It is illegal to copy most software products.
  • Theft of hardware, software, supplies or other properties will be reported to the University’s Security Office as a crime
  • Out of consideration for others, you should also observe the following guidelines:
    • Do not forward chain letters.
    • Do not send email messages to everyone on the JBU address list
    • Please keep your network home folder cleared out of un-needed files.
    • Please delete un-needed messages from your email mailbox.
    • Do not play games on lab computers.
    • Please observe the two-hour maximum use policy in labs during peak times.
    • Please observe any usage guidelines posted in labs.
  • Do not connect a wireless access point or any other wireless equipment to the JBU Network without consulting with ITS.
  • Do not attempt to modify system facilities in any way. Intentional compromise of system integrity by virus or other means may result in disciplinary action.
  • Do not attempt to disable or bypass network security systems. This includes the use of various “Tunneling” protocols and remote proxy web sites (“Anonymisers”) to hide the true nature of what you are doing.
  • Sending harassing, threatening, or sexually explicit messages will result in disciplinary action.
  • Internet users must abide by JBU’s behavioral code while online, including but not limited to not using accounts to engage in gambling activities, obtaining pornographic or other objectionable material, or conducting for-profit business.