Adding Priority Registrations (updated 10/30/2023)
Go to SREP.
Click on the add column between the number and the Term column.
Enter an “A” in that dialogue screen that opens and click Ok.
Enter the Term for the priority registration (ex. GR22FA).
Skip the “priority” column - this is only needed when the priority registration is generated automatically.
Enter the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time. (You can find what the dates should be by looking at another student with the same student type)
Click Finish in the dialogue box and then update and save out as normal.
Notes: If there are any blank lines, they must be deleted by clicking on the line number and choosing delete. Blank lines will mess up the Priority Registration. Ignore the number that gets put in the Add column. It is for internal processing.
Adding/Removing a Hold On PERC (updated 9/24/24)
Adding a Hold
Go to PERC in Colleague
Search for student by ID or Name
Click in the first open field and enter …
Select the hold from the list (if you know the hold abbreviation you can enter that directly into the blank field and hit enter)
Click Open
Removing a Hold
Go to PERC in Colleague
Search for student by ID or Name
In the End Dt field select yesterday’s date (if you enter today’s date the hold will not come off until the end of the day)
Address Verification Process (updated 9/18/2024)
This process is typically done on the first of each month.
Save all.
Select “Y” to override.
Go to AVER
- Type “Add…” in the save list box.
- Enter the last date this was done, and current date, in the “Last Address Change Date” boxes & add “CA” (For Canada), in the “Country Code for Canada” box.
- Save All.
- Next screen, select “Hold”, then “Save All”, and again “Save All”.
Report Examples:
- If report comes back with ALL of the missing criteria, ignore, as Eleanor Mallow does these each day.
- Address lines, city, state, and zip.
- If report comes back with a missing zip or a piece of criteria, need to investigate.
- Helpful to take a screen shot, save it temporarily to the desktop.
- Search where the address update could’ve come from (Eaglenet address change request, email, etc.).
- Use ADSU to edit the info in Colleague. See procedure “Address Updates”.
Creating a New Major Code (updated 10/1/2024)
When a new major needs to be set up in Colleague, follow these steps.
Go to MAJR.
Search for any existing major prior to creating a new one in a very simplistic search (i.e., enter “b…” for biological medicine). If an existing major is not found, exit out of that screen and move back to the MAJR screen.
Enter the new five (5) letter maor code in all caps (i.e. BIOMD), click on “ok” and “add”.
Type in the description title (i.e. Biological Medicine) and select the department/college. The active box should say “yes”.
A National ID is not required for a major.
Save all.
Creating Course Sections (updated 12/13/2023)
Create sections in SECT.
Create each section starting with section 01 and numbering consecutively. These courses are set up in the corresponding TUG semester. The courses are found on the Master Schedule in the Registrar’s folder on the Q drive.
Enter the term (i.e. UG22SP). Start and End dates will populate automatically. There are a few sections that need start and/or end dates adjusted such as kinesiology 1021 sections. Any section that does run the full semester will need adjustments because it affects billing. OLM skills courses are the exception to that. Leave the start and end dates for the whole semester.
Many of the next fields will auto-populate. If it is a selected topics class or if there is a particular topic (like KIN 1021 sections), you need to add that in the Short Title Field.
Check to make sure the location is populated as MC (Main Campus).
Course types should auto-populate as STND.
Drill into Faculty Assignment. Click on the number 1, and fill in the name (first 3 letters of first and first 3 letters of last). Everything needed will auto-populate unless the class is being team taught. Then we have to make adjustments. Don’t enter adjuncts until approved. These approvals come through Curriculog.
Drill into Offering Information. Click through to the second lines of boxes. Building and Room will be filled in later. Fill in time and days, and then click through to Rebuild Calendar. Enter a “Y.” Once that process is done, the Calendar Status field will say “Current.” If the class is an 8-week class (like KIN 1021), change that in the Number of Weeks field if it is incorrect. Some classes you have to adjust the start and end dates in this screen - like the OLM classes.
The information on the Section Restrictions screen should all be correct. I usually don’t even look at it.
If there is a course fee, drill into Billing Info, go to the bottom of the screen and make sure the course fee is there and the correct amount.
In order to cross-list sections, both sections must be created. Drill into Cross-Listings on one of the sections. The Global Capacity is set to the capacity of the section (Not the combination of the two). One section has to have “Yes” in the Primary box. To add the other section, click in the box by the number 2 and type in the section. Once you’ve chosen it, the section capacity and primary box will auto-populate. Then save out (none of the other boxes have to be filled). It will give you a message that the total section capacity and global capacity are not equal. Click OK and update.
Also, if there is a course fee, drill into Additional Info, tab down to Printed Comments and put $XX Fee (XX represents the amount).
Save All
Deleting Programs From a Future Catalog (updated 10/1/2024)
When the current catalog is complete and published, and the future catalog has been created, you can delete any program in Colleague that ended with the current catalog.
Go through the list of academic programs in the current catalog as compared to last year or access program deletion proposals in Curriculum/Curriculog to identify those that need to be deleted from the future catalog.
Go to PROG.
Look up the academic program you need to delete. Use “…” if you don’t know the code for the academic program.
The future catalog appears first in the catalogs field.
Click on the #1 next to “Catalogs” and select the delete option. The program will be deleted from the future catalog unless it has already been assigned to a student. If it has already been assigned to a student, you will need to work with the Associate Registrar for Undergraduate Studies to move those students to a program that will be included in the future catalog. The system will not allow you to delete a program if it has already been assigned to a student.
Entering A/AS Level Exam Credit (updated 10/31/2024)
Colleague: NEQV
Enter Student name or id number
Enter Alevelexam or alev… in the Noncourse LookUp field
Click “Y”
A Level courses need NO information added to this screen. Save/Update
Drill into the Equivalent Course field
Enter the course number you wish to assign credit and click ok.
Tab and delete the JBU grade scheme.
You will receive the following error:
Click OK
Tab to enter Status/Credit Type. Status is NC. Credit Type is PL - Prior Learning.
Most A level exams have additional courses to add. Click to add additional Equivalent courses (page 2 or more).
Click the drop down box for the Equivalent course.
Enter the course.
Tab to remove the JBU grade scheme. You will receive the same error message.
Click OK.
Tab to Status. Status is NC. Credit type is pre-populated after you enter it on the first course.
Add each of the additional course equivalents. A Level Exams will probably have multiple courses to enter at ONE time.
After all course equivalents have been entered, SAVE/UPDATE.
To verify your entry, you can run TRER or look in STAC.
Entering Exams or Education Transition Points (updated 1/10/2024)
Go to STAC
Drill in to a blank line
Enter the course code in the Course ID field.
Enter the Start/End Date = the day you were asked to post the exam.
Leave the term/reporting term blank.
Status = NC
Leave Grade Scheme/Grade blank.
Cred/Conversion = 0
Replace Allowed = No
Save All
Entering Independent Study Requests (updated 12/13/2023)
Independent Study Requests are submitted by the student using the online form on the Registrar Forms page on Eaglenet.
TUG students can only take one Independent Study per semester. If a student requests more than one, it must first be approved by the Registrar.
Once the student submits the request, it will go to the Registrar’s Office.
Click on the Registrar Forms Admin Dashboard link, click on the Independent Study request.
Check the request to be sure it has all of the information you need. Selected Topics classes need to have a title.
- Only full-time faculty can teach an independent study.
- If a part-time faculty is listed as the professor, email the Dean of Undergraduate Studies to verify this has been approved.
Toward the bottom of the form, you will select the professor that the student has listed on the request. Then click Submit.
Once the professor of the independent study approves, you will receive another email. Click on the Registrar Forms Admin Dashboard link in the email. You will now select the appropriate College Dean and click submit.
Once the College Dean has approved, you will receive another email. Go back into the Registrar Forms Admin Dashboard, click on the Independent Study request.
Use the information on the Independent Study request to create the independent study course.
Go to SECT and enter the following. Independent study courses will always have an IS in the section number.
- Enter the course code for the independent study, include IS01 for the section. If there is already a section created, it will open in SECT so you will need to create a new section of IS02. Once you find the available section, you will get a Record not found - Reenter or Add message. Click the Add option.
- Enter the term
- Location should be MC
- If you are setting up a selected topics class, be sure to change the course title to match what is on the request form. Selected Topics class should always start with ST:
- TYPE = ISNF for no independent study fee or ISCHG for the independent study fee. The College Dean will approve/deny the fee waiver on the form
- Click on Faculty Assignment
- Enter the instructor for the class
- Set load to 0
- Tab down to the bottom of the page and then click update
- Click on Offering Info
- Change Instr Method to IS
- Make sure Load is set to 0
- Tab through to the bottom of the screen and then click Update.
- Click on Restrictions
- Set Section Capacity, Schedule Capacity, and Minimum Enrollment all to 0
- Delete Waitlist Enroll No Days
- Change Allow Waitlist from Yes to No
- Save
- If the student will be charged the independent study fee, click on Billing Info
- Put ISTUG in the AR Code at the bottom of the screen.
- Enter the amount of the IS fee
- Enter ALL in the Other Calc Type Field
- Save
- If there is no IS fee, skip s-w
- Save All
Go to RGN
Register student for the IS you created.
Once you have created the section and registered the student, go to the online form and type in the course code and section number in the Course Code and Section field. Then choose Approved in the Registrar Decision field and click save. This will send an email to the Associate Registrar (TUG), Tammy Fisher, and the student.
Part-time/Adjunct professors need Trisha Posey’s approval. Send an email to Trisha and College Dean who signed the form.
Selected Topics - Change title to the topic on the IS form. Must use =ST: …. If no title is on the form, email the professor of the class to request the title.
Keep spreadsheet of all IS requests created. There is a spreadsheet on Microsoft 365.
Professors are only allowed 5 IS’s. No more than 3 different subjects.
Chemistry teaching practicum - remove the chem fee.
Entering Non-Transferable Grades (updated 10/17/2023)
This student has 12 credits hours of transfer work (no C- or D grades)
Go to EXTS
Enter transfer credits as normal. For C- and D grades, you will enter the same information in EXTR as for any other transfer class.
Since the grade is less than a C, it will not automatically equate to a JBU course.
If you drill in to Equiv, you will receive this message. Note: you don’t need to drill in, but if you do, this is the message you will receive.
Click ok and exit the screen to get back to EXTS.
Finish entering transfer work and save.
Any courses with a grade less than C should all have No in the Equiv field.
Any courses with a grade less than C will not show in STAC, calculate in transfer credit hours, and will not show on the Transfer Summary tab in Student Planning.
Grad Coursework for TUG and GRAD (updated 10/30/2023)
Check STAC and write down the grade for the grad class.
Go to EXTS.
Choose John Brown University. If JBU is not an option, add the institution.
Add institution.
Once JBU is added, go to the first blank line in EXTS and drill in.
Enter the JBU External Course, End Date of the class, Title, Credits, Grade Scheme (JBU), Grade, and Term.
Cancel to return to EXTS.
Drill in to Equiv.
Click in the Status field.
If the equivalency is set up, it will auto-populate the course and you can go straight to step 11. If it is not yet set up, the Course LookUp box will appear. Enter the JBU Equivalent Course (same course number entered in previous screen).
Enter the fields as shown below. Term will be the current term for the class.
Save All.
Go to STAC
Find the grad class, either the UG term or the GR term.
Drill in to one of the classes.
Select STRP Student Course Repeat.
Delete the R Replaced by Colleague
Change Repl to no for both classes.
Save All to exit STAC.
Go to TRAN
Enter the student ID in the Student field.
Save All x 3 to pull up the student transcript.
Verify that the grad class is on the TUG transcript in the TUG term, then go to the last page and verify the class is on the grad transcript in the grad term.
Note: If you set up JBU in EXTS for a student (JBU is not already an option in their list of institutions), you need to go to SPRO and add GR.SYSASSIGNED as a program. Make sure Status is C - Changed Mind and the catalog is 2011. Also make sure there is an end date. Save All and exit.
Name Changes/Updates in Colleague/Papervision (updated 12/6/2023)
Student notifies Registrar’s Office of a name change.
In Colleague verify student is NOT an employee. NAE - Where used: HR or EMP
Send any name change who has EMP or HR listed in the where used field in Colleague to Human Resources - If the student is a current employee, HR will let you know and contact student.
If the student is no longer an employee, HR will let you know and you can contact the student.
For Registrar’s Office to make a name change, the Student needs to provide copy of official documentation, marriage license, driver’s license, or court documentation. Do not accept copy of Social security card (for security reasons).
In Colleague - NAE
Name LFM - change name accordingly
Screen - is this a name change yes or no. Yes.
Screen - is this a birth name change - NO, unless you know for sure, I always say no. (I honestly have NO idea why this question is necessary.)
Before exiting NAE, Print your document to PaperVision. Printer = PaperVision (color).
- New last name
- First name
- SSN (from NAE screen in Colleague)
- Other name
- Date of birth
- JBU ID number
- Document Type = Request
- Date received = auto populates
- College/University - leave blank
- Description = Name change
- Purge after graduation = NO
In PV, search by previous student name. Any previous document/file needs to be updated with the current Name. Make sure to put previous name in Other name line. When searching, you may need to search with JBU ID # or birthdate to catch any previous file/document in PV. Sometimes the student may have a different name on the file/documents in PV that is not referenced on the currently submitted documentation (Names the student doesn’t want to remember, so they don’t mention it). Or when editing, you see a previous name that you weren’t aware of.
Email Name change list with student’s previous name, ID, new name, student type and status (applicant, currently enrolled, or alumni).
Name change list includes:
Campus Safety
Network Services
Help Desk
OUG Academic Advisor
Coordinator of Research and Advancement Data
Director of Advancement Services
Campus Bookstore
TUG Associate Registrar
GR/OUG Associate Registrar
Administrative assistants:
Grad Business
Grad Counseling
Grad Cybersecurity
Grad Education
I have a Name change group contact in Outlook.
Here is an example of the email I send:
Good afternoon,
Jane Doe #111111 is now Jane Vanpelt. Jane is a current Master’s student who is graduating this December.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
(insert signature)
If the student has mentioned changing their email, I tell them to contact the Help Desk in a day or two (giving time to get the name change completed and Help Desk notified).
Receiving and Evaluating Transcripts (updated 5/2/2023)
Receiving Transcripts
Transcript arrives at the Registrar’s office.
Evaluating Transcripts
Go to Slate
Click the Reader icon.
Click the TUG College Transcripts Workflow.
Click Browse.
Each box represents a “bin” of transcripts. The Registrar’s office will only use New and Evaluated. For transcripts that need to be evaluated, click New. For transcripts that have already been evaluated and need to be reviewed, and have PR’s changed to TR’s in EXTS, click Evaluated.
The Computer Systems and Records Coordinator will do a preliminary evaluation of college transcripts in the New bin.
The Associate Registrar for Undergraduate Studies will review transcripts in the Evaluated bin and change PR’s to TR’s in EXTS.
To open a transcript, click the pages icon on the far right.
You will see an image of the transcript to be evaluated.
Keep the college transcript image on one screen and Colleague on the other screen.
Go to EXTS. Enter the students ID number. If you receive a message that reads No institution attend records exist for this person. Add one?, click Yes. When choosing the Institution, please use the Institution with a FICE Code
If previous institutions have been entered, you will see:
If the institution is on this list, you can just enter the corresponding number.
This will bring you to this screen.
You need to drill into Institutions Attended to update the information for the most recent transcript (date received, dates attended). If the student has completed a degree, you will need to enter the degree and date received in the Acad Credentials line.
If the institution has not previously been entered, you will need to Add the institution and follow the same procedures as listed below.
Enter the name of the institution (you don’t have to enter the full name - University of Arkansas Fort Smith can be entered as Univ of Ark Fort) and click OK.
Enter the Transcript Type as (1) REG, (2) today’s date in the Date Recd field, and (3) OFFI in the Status field. Enter the (4) years attended and (5) Start/End Dates of the transcript. The system will automatically input the date if you tab from field to field. Then click Save and Update.
Drill into Ext.
Enter the following information. If the course has previously been equated in Colleague, the course title, number of credits will automatically populate
External Course = course code from transferring institution
End Date = end date for the semester the class was taken.Spring is 5/01, Summer is 8/15, and Fall is 12/15.
Title = title of the class
Credits = number of credits for the class
Grade Scheme = TRAN
Grade = grade received
Term = the term code (see step 1)
Save and Update
Once you have finished entering all transfer work, Click Cancel.
Drill into Equiv.
If the transfer course has a JBU equivalent, enter it in the first section for Equivalent Course. If the JBU equivalent has been previously equated, the Equivalent course information will pre-populate (Equated courses do not pre-populate the Grade Scheme (JBU), grade (CR) or Transcript.). If the equivalent has not, you can enter the equivalent course, grade scheme, grade of CR, status, credit type, and term. The status should be PR.
If the transfer course does not have a JBU equivalency, enter the information in the second section for Equivalent Course. When you click in the Credit field, you will receive a message to “Enter ‘A’ to add a credit equivalency. Enter A in the box and click OK.
Then enter the course information. Be sure to use PR in the Status. Once the information is entered, you will also need to type the course title in the Description field at the bottom of the screen. Then click Save. If a previous equivalency has been entered, you will only need to enter the transcript number.
Once all course information is entered, you should arrive back at this screen. Save all.
Go back to Slate and click on Add to Queue in the bottom left hand corner.
Click on Review Form/Send to Bin in the bottom right corner.
Click Ok.
If you need to add a note for admissions about this transcript, you can click the Student Information box and this will bring up a notes box.
Click the Next Bin (required) drop down box.
Select Evaluated.
Click Send.
This will move the transcript to the Evaluated bin for the Associate Registrar.
The Associate Registrar will now review the evaluation and change the PR’s to TR’s in EXTS.
Check that all transfer credits are posted and the evaluation is accurate
Go to TRER. Enter the students ID number in the Applicants/Students field. Click Save and Update.
Change the Output Device to H for Hold/Browse File Output. Then click Save and Update. Save and Update again.
Once the process finishes running, you should receive a report. Check to be sure the transfer credit and the equiv transfer credit match.
Click Export PDF and save a copy of the PDF to your computer.
Go back to the main page in Slate.
Enter the student name in the search box and press enter.
Click on the student name.
Click on the materials tab.
Click on New Material.
Fill in the fields as follows.
- Records = Folio
- Material = Transfer Evaluation Form
- Memo = blank
- Source = PDF/Document
Click the Browse button.
Select the TRER document you saved to your computer.
Click the upload button at the bottom left.
Go back to the transcript Slate and click on Add to Queue in the bottom left-hand corner.
Click Review Form/Send to Bin in the bottom right-hand corner.
Click Ok.
Click the Next Bin (required) drop down box.
Select Returned in Next Bin drop down box, and the click Send.
This will send the transcript back to Admissions to complete the admission process.
Running CLUP to Update Student Class Standings (Classifications) (updated 10/22/2024)
Go to CLUP in Colleague (not everyone in Registrar’s Office has access to this screen).
Change Update Mode field to Yes.
Set Acad Levels to UG.
Save All.
Save All on screen about Execute in Background Mode (no settings need changed).
Download the report and select Close.
Check the downloaded report to make sure that changes were made.
This process should be run several times in the weeks before Registration open each semester. It should also be run each semester a few days before classes begin and at the end of the semester after grades have been submitted as well as after the due date for Incomplete grades has passed.
Running CLUP to Update a Single Student’s Class Standing
Go to SLED and select the CLUPSINGLE saved list.
This requires the Student’s ID number followed by an Asterisk and the letters UG (ex. 1234567*UG)
Save All on SLED.
Go to CLUP in Colleague (not everyone in Registrar’s Office has access to this screen).
Change Update Mode field to Yes.
Enter CLUPSINGLE in Saved List Name field.
Set Acad Levels to UG.
Save All.
Save All on screen about Execute in Background Mode (no settings need changed).
Download the report and select Close.
Check the downloaded report to make sure that changes were made.
Setting Up a New Graduate Student (updated 9/12/2024)
Email received from admissions (must wait until the next morning to process after the bridge has run from Slate to Colleague).
In colleague make sure the following information is correct:
- Program
- Student Type
- Start date (if it is a “B” term you will need to update to the start of “B”)
- Make sure pre-reg and registration priority went on (if the registration period is open)
- Add the following as advisors. Make sure to also attach the advisor to the Grad program.
- Business
- Admin Assistant for Grad Business - Major
- Grad Business Department Chair - Major
- Counseling
- Admin Assistant for Grad Counseling - Major
- Grad Counseling Grad Assistant - Major
- Education
- Admin Assistant for Grad Education - Major
- Grad Education Department Chair - Major
- Brian Herndon - View (Only if SPED)
- Cybersecurity
- Admin Assistant for Grad Cybersecurity - Major
- Grad Cybersecurity Department Chair - Major
If a note has been entered on the email stating the student has transfer work. Add the transcript to the “New College Transcript” Bin in Slate and a note with what courses will transfer as what.
If they are NOT PENDING UNDERGRAD go to IASU and enter their degree information. Do not enter any associates degrees, only bachelor and higher.
If they are PENDING UNDERGRAD they should appear in the Post-Admit-GR BIN in slate.
Grad Business Only - If a note has been entered saying the student doesn’t need all of the Foundational Courses follow these steps:
Go to EXOV
Drill into the SUBREQMT1: Foundational Courses.
Drill into the courses.
Enter the courses no longer required and make sure to add who approved the exception in the print text.
Save and return to EXOV.
Drill into the overall program requirements.
Update the overall credits to the correct number.
Signing Off On Degrees (updated 9/19/2024)
EVAL - look up student
Make sure
- 120 hours (150 if double degree)
- 2.0 or higher cum GPA
- All core/major/minor hours are complete
- Check Major GPA
- If student has Latin honors do below step
- Go to GRHU and type in student name or ID next to individual
SGRD - Look up student
- Double click on correct academic program (if student has a double degree you will need to sign off on each one)
- Place a “Y” in Eligible for Commencement and Requirements complete box
- Make sure completion date and degree date are correct
- Make sure if the student is graduating with latin honors, they are showing in the Graduation Honors box
Go to the Graduation 365 doc and enter the requested information
Updating Anticipated Graduation Dates (updated 9/19/2024)
Go to SPRO and locate student
Click on the paper next to the Academic Program. If a student is a double major and has two active programs, the date will need to be updated for both programs.
Update the Ant Cmpl Dt to the New Month/Year: date in the email.
- December 21, 2024
- May 10, 2025
- August 23, 2025
- December 20, 2025
- May 9, 2026
- August 22, 2026
- If the graduation date is farther out than is published on the University calendar use December 15, May 1, and August 15 followed by the year.
Save Out
If the grad date was updated from the upcoming commencement ceremony or updated to the upcoming commencement ceremony let Assistant Registrars know.
Waiving CORE Requirements for AA and AS Degrees (updated 9/8/2023)
This applies to students who have completed an Associate’s Degree.
Go to EXOV
Enter the student ID
Drill into the University Core Curriculum field.
Drill into the Replaced field.
In the course fields, add cor-1002, BBL-1013, BBL-1023, BBL-2013, and BBL-2022.
In the comments section, add the following.
Save and update.
Drill into the Intercultural Engagement field.
Select SREX and click ok.
Drill into Subreqmt: Intercultural Engage.
Select EXWV and click ok.
Drill into the Exception Print Text field and include the following note.
Click Save and click Save All
In EVAL, you will see the new core requirements.