Commencement Prep and Day Of Procedures (updated 12/15/2023)
Commencement Prep
1. Create Commencement program (see how to)
2. Update Commencement day procedures. Email copy to Associate Registrars. Procedures will be emailed to the graduates.
3. Create Address list for photographer. I create this list once the commencement program has gone to print.
- Reporting Services>Academic Affairs>Registrar>Graduation and Commencement>Graduation Address
- Edit the report for duplicate lines. Also look for JBU addresses as this address is used to mail the diploma. (When completing the graduation application, students do not think that diplomas will not be mailed until 6 to 8 weeks AFTER commencement ceremony and it’s easier to contact students while they are on campus than after diplomas are printed.)
- About a week or so before commencement, Events will email for the graduates addresses to be sent to the photographer.
4. Work study project; insert commencement document into diploma covers. Insert the document and the plastic sheet then place the onion skin inside each cover. Put covers back in boxes, label how many covers are in each box. Have this done the week before finals.
5. Registrar will ask for the following information for the ceremony script:
- Which degrees will be awarded (Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Arts, Associate of Arts, Master of Science, etc.).
- Number of states and countries represented
- Number of Latin Honors, With Distinction, Presidential/University Honors
6. Create Reader cards:
- Use Commencement Edit. I generally use the list I used to create the commencement program. If students have been added or removed from the program, I update my list. OR you can download a new edit report, remove duplicate graduates (this is caused by multiple graduated grad apps on file or for Master’s multiple previous degrees.)
- For reader cards, I add a column for students who are not attending (this information should be on the edit report.) I use the * to notate those who will not be attended. The * means NOTHING, so if the student shows up for commencement, it’s not a problem.
- I also mark the “Do not print” students. Although the student’s name is NOT printed in the commencement program, the student can still participate in commencement.
- I use Label #8387 - Post card labels for merge.
- Make sure to update the font and size before creating the merge. I used Tahoma 24.
- Merge and Edit each card. Updating spacing
- Print to card stock and use Register 38 Copier/fax. Do not print to Registrar Laser, this printer smears the print.
- Use the paper cutter, 5 ½ x 4 ¼ are the measurements. Cut each page separately as the paper cutter isn’t the greatest with more than one page.
- Depending on the number of ceremonies (fall vs spring), alphabetize the cards TUG or TUG and OUG, GR by Division (Business, Counseling, Education and Cybersecurity).
Examples of reader cards:

7. Once printed programs are received from the printer, compare reader card names, Latin Honors, and Presidential/University Honors to the information in the program. Make new reader cards as needed.
8. Alphabetize reader cards A to Z for check-in process.
9. After printer delivers programs, check for glaring errors. Also pull Coordinator Scholarship programs and set those aside, email her to come pick up.
10. Mark commencement program boxes for locations in gym/arena. Graduate programs (Rec gym - box will actually be in the laundry room by the Rec gym), faculty programs (Murray Sells - just inside the doorway) and the remainder go to Bill George concession stand.
11. Make sure Registrar has scheduled Facilities to pick up diploma covers AND commencement program on the Friday before commencement.
12. Facilities should put diploma covers in concession stand of Bill George Arena.
13. The Events office will ask which country flags are needed. Events will coordinate with the International Office. Flags displayed are only for TUG students.
14. Magnets for chairs of faculty and graduates should be laid out. Remember to bring on Saturday.
15. Create graduates check in list.
- May - morning ceremony. Divide number of graduates by 3 or 4 (this number depends on staff available).
- May - afternoon ceremony. Divide number of graduates by 2 or 3.
- December ceremony. Divide number of graduates by 3.
- Print one copy of the check in list.
16. Create letter signs to match check in lists. Print 2 copies.
17. Print copy of Commencement day procedures to be read by Registrar during instructions/reminders before ceremony.
18. Reader cards, letter signs go with commencement box.
19. Friday before commencement, if necessary, meet with student marshals/staff to go over HOW the lines proceed, when to advance graduates to stage, graduates return from stage and how to recess graduates.
Commencement Day
Before the ceremony:
1. Put diploma covers on the table on stage. Make sure to always have at least, 10 more than the total number of graduates.
- In May, do not place afternoon ceremony diploma covers on the table until AFTER morning ceremony.
- In December, place all covers on the table.
- Table will hold approximately 300 covers without much concern of a disaster.
2. Verify with Student Support Services if the ramp for the stage will be used by a graduate (the ramp is ALWAYS attached to the stage regardless of use).
- If the ramp will be used, the stage set up may need to be adjusted, i.e., move table with diploma covers and platform chairs to allow access. It’s easier to move the table before the diploma covers are on it.
3. Put “Reserved for Faculty” magnets on the back of chairs. Magnets should be on the last chair of outside rows. The last row of faculty seating should have a magnet on the inside row chair. IF there are enough magnets, each row should have a magnet on the chair of the inside and outside row. Faculty should be in the rows in front of the graduates.
4. Put “Reserved for Graduates” magnets on the back of chairs. Magnets should be on the last chair of outside rows. The last row of graduate seating should have a magnet on the inside row chair. IF there are enough magnets, each row should have a magnet on the chair of the inside and outside row.
5. In Rec gym, set up sign in tables, hang check in letter signs - one on tables and one on doorway.
6. Get box of commencement programs from laundry room.
7. If graduate requests changes to name, or if there is an error with degree/honors, changes can only be made by staff with a particularly unique colored marker or pen. Master of ceremony will only read changes made in this color. Purple is the color of choice.
Commencement day procedures for Registrar to go over with graduates:
1. When processing to Bill George Arena, staff member should lead Marshals, Marshals will lead graduates, graduates follow faculty and Cathedral Choir
2. Have staff positioned along the hall way between Rec gym and Bill George, this will help keep lines separated.
3. Staff member needs to stand in between lines at doorway of Bill George to keep VP’s line going behind the stage (NOT with President’s line). And to keep the lines moving. And encourage graduates to keep voices down while waiting.
4. During ceremony, give assistance/direction to marshals as needed.
After the ceremony:
1. After the final ceremony, box remaining diploma covers up and put back in concession stand. Facilities will return diploma cover boxes and programs within a few days. IF you have not received the unused covers and programs, send a work order to Facilities.
2. Pull sign magnets from chairs.
Creating the Commencement Program (updated 12/14/2023)
Time Line: (Be aware of holidays impacting timeline. University Communications is also getting the Brown Bulletin together as it goes to print in November and May.)
December Commencement:
- Late September/Early October - send edit list to Associate Registrar
- Early October - pull edit lists to create commencement program
- Mid to late October - send commencement program to University Communications.
- Schedule edit party - Monday before sending program to printer
- Drop dead to printer - Wednesday, 2 weeks before Commencement
- Wednesday before commencement, the printer should deliver the programs
May Commencement:
- Late February/Early March - send edit list to Associate Registrar
- Early March - pull edit lists to create commencement program
- Remind Registrar to get you Order of Ceremony, commencement speaker, Invocation/benediction, Student speaker for May Commencement. Events handles music information.
- Mid to late March - send commencement program to University Communications
- Schedule edit party - Monday before sending program to printer
- Drop dead to printer - Wednesday, 2 weeks before commencement
- Wednesday before commencement, the printer should deliver the programs
1. Late September or early October. Pull report of anticipated graduating students (Graduate, Online and TUG). Report is available on Reporting Services - Academic Affairs - Registrar - Graduation and Commencement. Either Commencement Edit report from Colleague Graduate or Commencement Edit Report from Colleague - UG.
2. Graduate:
- Commencement Date
- Report Format - Edit report
- View Report
- Export to Excel
- Edit report. Graduates have more edits, as you have to remove previous grad app information, and duplicate GR degrees if the graduation date is prior to the commencement date.
- Be aware of missing previous degree information. Slate or Papervision should have the UG transcript with UG degree information. If not, ask Associate Registrar for Grad/OUG for assistance in finding the previous degree.
- Once report is cleaned up, send to Associate Registrar to verify who’s missing or who shouldn’t be on the list. Associate Registrar will update Colleague.
3. Undergraduate:
- Commencement Date
- Professional Studies Only (OUG)
- TUG only
- Or leave blank and get all UG on one edit
- Report Format - Edit report
- View Report
- Export to Excel
4. Once Associate Registrar’s have edit reports cleaned up, pull reports from Reporting Services. This version will be your use for everything report. Clean up the multiple lines, make sure previous degree information is included. Save report.
5. In Word,
- Mailings, Start Mail Merge, Directory
- Select Recipients. Select your Excel document
- Insert merge field
- Last name
- Name
- Degree
- Academic Program
- Hometown
- Prior degree
- Prior College
- MAKE SURE TO INSERT SPACES BETWEEN the above. Otherwise you get to edit EVERY SINGLE line
- Match fields
- Preview Results
- Finish & Merge
- Edit individual documents
- You will have two separate reports, one UG and one GR
6. After you verify spacing, make sure any students with more than one previous degree only have one entry, or double degree students only have one entry, send to Associate Registrar
7. Make any corrections or updates
8. Determine how many printed copies to print
- Number of graduates’ times 6
- Allow for faculty
- December 75
- May 125 to 150 (depends on number of ceremonies)
- Coordinator of Scholarships and Development Data
9. Plan for Marshals - either students or Registrar staff.
10. Create job with University Communications. Include total number of printed programs and instructions for QR Code. Submit Word document, List of Honors
11. Schedule “edit” party. Include Registrar, UC staff; Graphic Designer (Kelly), UC Assistant Director (Jay) or UC Director (Julie) and one person who has not seen the program, I generally have the Catalog Coordinator be that person.
12. As UC returns copies, make corrections, save new PDF and return. Generally, there are 3 or 4 edits before the “final” copy is ready
13. After printer delivers programs, check for glaring errors. Also pull Coordinator Scholarship programs and set those aside, email her to come pick up.
14. Mark boxes as to location for commencement. Student programs (Rec gym), faculty programs (Murray Sells) and the remainder go to Bill George concession stand.
Diploma Insert Sample (updated 11/9/2023)
Click here for a link to the Diploma Insert .