Transferology and TES (updated 12/12/23)
Retrieving Unknown Equivalencies from Transferology Lab
Go to Transferology Lab
Log in
Click on Rule Management and then click on Unknown Equivalencies
Change the Location from Arkansas to All Locations and then click the Apply button. This will pull the unknown equivalencies from all schools. There won’t always be unknown equivalencies. So if nothing pulls up, don’t panic.
Click on the TES Mode tab.
Click the + in the TES column for each course. You can only select 10 courses at a time. Once you select 10 courses, click on the Send to TES button.
Do this for all of the courses listed. Then go to TES.
In TES, click on Track, then click on My Evaluations.
Click on the arrow next to the name of the school.
Click on the blue arrow next to the course.
In the Select An Action drop down box, select Add/Edit Course.
Find the course that you think is equivalent to the transfer course and then click done. If there is no equivalent course, select the 1XXX elective option. It is the first course listed for every subject.
After you click Done, it will take you back to this screen. From here you can click the Select An Action drop down box. You can select Create Equivalency and Close, or you can Re-Assign this to someone in the division to approve the equivalency.
Some divisions require their approval before creating an equivalency.
- Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Cybersecurity
- Game Design
- Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering
If you don’t get a response from a division, you can also email a screenshot of the equivalency.
When they respond by email, you can adjust to their request or create the equivalency.
Once you click on Create Equivalency and Close, you will get the option to add more details. Here you can put a private note if the equivalency was approved by email.
Once you have evaluated all courses and created equivalencies, go back to Transferology Lab.
Click the Filter tab.
For each course, click the Mark Reviewed link in the status column.
This will clear the Unknown Equivalencies.
You can now exit Transferology Lab.
Transfer Evaluation System (TES)
Use the College Source documentation to learn how to navigate through TES.
Procedure 2
insert here
Procedure 3
insert here