Feb 12, 2025  
Traditional Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 
Traditional Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 Archived Catalog

Admission Criteria

First-Time Freshmen

To be enrolled as a first-time freshman, the applicant must present a transcript showing graduation from high school or GED, and the score and percentile achieved on the ACT or SAT. Home educated students will be admitted using the same criteria. However, home educated students seeking federal financial aid will be required to submit an officially recognized high school diploma or equivalent.

To be admitted on regular freshman status, an applicant must have scored at or above 20 on the ACT or 1020 on the SAT (for SAT testing completed prior to March 2016, the minimum score requirement is 950) and have a high school cumulative grade-point average at or above 2.5 (excluding remedial course work). In addition to the academic criteria outlined above, the admissions counselor may request two references: one from a high school counselor or teacher, the other from a church leader (pastor, youth pastor, Sunday school teacher, mentor).

The Admissions Office is responsible for determining the overall “fit” of an applicant with the university. Academic, social, and spiritual factors are considered. It is helpful for the applicant to provide as much relevant information as possible in determining whether there is a good match between the applicant and the university.

Early Commit Track

An applicant who is very serious in their interest to attend John Brown University may participate in the Early Commit Track. Through this program, students have the opportunity to be paired in a dorm with a roommate in January rather than May, receive their financial aid award letter in November rather than February, and meet with their academic advisor and register for courses in April rather than June. To participate in the Early commit Track students must notify their admissions counselor of their intent to pursue the program, submit the FAFSA, review and accept their financial aid, make a tuition and/or housing deposit, sign a statement of intent to enroll at JBU, and cease pursuit of other universities. The deadline to commit and be part of the Early Commit Track is January 15.

Mandatory Placement in English

Students for whom English is a second language will take the COMPASS/ESL test for placement in the appropriate English class. Students placed in ESL classes will continue in the English track each semester without a break. (English I will immediately follow ESL III, and English II will immediately follow English I.) Freshmen who score below 20 on the English section of the ACT or below 500 on the SAT verbal section will be placed in EGL 1003 Basic Writing .

Mandatory Placement in Mathematics

Freshmen who score below 19 on the math section of ACT or below 480 on the SAT math section will be placed in MTH 0153 Intermediate Algebra .

ASPIRE Admission

An applicant who is unable to qualify for admission under regular criteria may be admitted by action of the Admissions Committee. First-time freshmen and transfer students having test scores or GPAs below the required minimums may request consideration by the committee. Such applicants may be asked to write an essay describing their reasons for seeking a Christian college educational experience, their career goals, and their plans for succeeding at John Brown University.

Students whom the committee permits to enroll will be required to participate in ASPIRE-the Academic Success Program for Inspiring and Reaching Excellence. ASPIRE supports students academically so that they have opportunity to be successful in their first year at John Brown University. As part of the Head, Heart, and Hand mission of the university, we seek to come alongside these students to offer guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

ASPIRE stipulations include the following:

  1. Academic load limited to 13-14 credit hours for the first semester and 16 credit hours during the second semester.
  2. Required enrollment and participation in Strategies for College Success.
  3. Bi-weekly grade checks.
  4. Monthly individual meetings with the director of Student Support Services.
  5. Specialized advising and tutoring.

ASPIRE charges a one-time fee of $500. Students and their parents or guardians must sign a commitment to participate as part of the admission agreement. Only a limited number of students are accepted into the program each year. Once this limit has been reached, candidates are placed on a waiting list.

Transfer Students

To be admitted as a transfer student, the applicant must have been enrolled in college as a full-time student for at least one semester following high school graduation. Each college must send an official transcript directly to John Brown University. A high school transcript and standardized test scores may also be required. Transcripts for all transfer students are subject to academic review prior to acceptance. An overall college grade point average of at least 2.5 is required, and a grade of ‘C’ or better is required in each course received for credit. Any transfer student with less than a 2.5 cumulative GPA, regardless of ACT/SAT score, will be brought to the Admissions Committee for review. Any transfer student with fewer than 24 transferable hours is subject to standard high school admissions requirements (20 ACT or 1020 SAT, effective March 2016) plus 2.5 high school GPA.

The following students will be brought to the admissions director for internal review and subsequent committee review when deemed necessary: those transferring from a junior or community college with no or a sub-standard ACT or SAT score (minimum 20 ACT or 1020 SAT (effective March 2016) regardless of GPA, or those transferring from a fully-accredited four-year institution with less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA and with no or a sub-standard ACT or SAT score.

Entering transfer students having more than 24 semester hours transfer credit receive scholarship consideration on the basis of college credit.

Non-Degree Students

Students wishing to enroll at the university without pursuing a degree should indicate this on the application form. Applicants may be asked to submit additional academic information, such as transcripts and test scores (ACT or SAT). The application process is streamlined and there is no processing fee.

Non-degree students under the age of 30 are required to pay for all instruction and other services at the regular rate. However, if a student is auditing a course, is aged 30 or older taking fewer than 6 hours a semester, or is aged over 55, he or she will be required to pay half the regular tuition rate. Additionally, students may receive either the discount for 55 or older or the discount for auditing a class, but not both discounts. Non-degree students may enroll for no more than 11 hours per semester, and credit earned may count toward a degree only after students reapply and are accepted for admission under regular student status. The reapplication process must include all relevant transcripts and applicable test scores.