Mar 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026 Draft Catalog 
Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026 Draft Catalog

Department of Teacher Education

Gumm (department chair)



The Department of Teacher Education develops Christ-centered educators with grace, essential knowledge, and the necessary skills to become effective teachers, school counselors, and leaders. Along with this mission statement, the department is committed to developing competent teachers who are ready to teach all learners God calls them to shepherd DAY 1.

Successful completion of an education program at John Brown University prepares candidates for a standard license in the state of Arkansas. Candidates who plan to teach in states other than Arkansas should transfer the Arkansas licensure and meet any specific licensure requirements of the states where they expect to teach. The majority of states have reciprocity with Arkansas, which means licensure officials in these states will automatically grant licensure to individuals transferring their standard Arkansas license.

John Brown University’s education programs are significantly enhanced through an active partnership of shared decision making with the Siloam Springs School District and the community. The Professional Development School partnership provides for the simultaneous support and renewal of both teacher preparation and the K-12 programs of the school district.

Beginning the freshman year, candidates actively participate in local K-12 classrooms, where they provide valuable assistance. Simultaneously, experienced teachers in the schools serve as clinical faculty providing important practical experiences and instruction support for the candidates.

The Department of Teacher Education, in keeping with the overall goals of the university, expects graduates to demonstrate the following broad learner outcomes:

  1. Candidates will apply principles of learner development and learning differences to create safe, supportive learning environments in order to work effectively with diverse families in K-12 schools.
  2. Candidates will apply knowledge of content to developing equitable and inclusive learning experiences.
  3. Candidates will apply InTASC standards to assessments, plans for instruction and instructional strategies to provide equitable and inclusive learning for K-12 students.
  4. Candidates will apply knowledge of professional responsibility to engage in professional learning, act ethically and work effectively with K-12 students.

Note: John Brown University candidates wishing to take professional education and major field courses off campus or through correspondence must obtain, in advance, written permission from the department chair and the Registrar’s Office.

Progression within the Education Program

Candidates for a teaching license are expected to carefully plan their academic programs beginning in their freshman year and to have their plan approved by an education advisor. Candidates are required to pass through three transition points and interviews before being admitted into their internship semester. The following sequence and policies are applicable to all levels and fields of licensure:

  1. Transition 1. Admission to courses requiring Transition 1 and successful field experience. Specific requirements include the following:
    1. Complete required initial background check.
    2. Provide permission to release personal information to be used in appropriate situations to school personnel.
    3. Provide evidence of dispositional growth using teacher candidate dispositional rubric.
    4. Obtain a post interview-recommendation from upper-classmen to progress in program.
  2. Transition 2. Admission to courses requiring Transition 2 and field experiences. Specific requirements for admission include the following:
  1. Provide evidence of dispositional growth using teacher candidate dispositional rubric.
  2. Obtain a post interview-recommendation to progress in program.

   3. Formal admission:

  1. A 2.7 cumulative grade point average.
  2. A minimum grade of ‘C/2.0’ in each teaching field course.
  3. Successfully completed interviews for transitions 1 and 2.
  4. Approved by the Department of Teacher Education and PDS Advisory Committee.
  5. Students will not be allowed to enroll in Internship I without formal admission into the teacher education program.
  6. Candidates must clear both a state and federal criminal record check through the Arkansas State Police.
  7. Candidates must clear a Child Maltreatment check through the Department of Human Services.

  4. Continuation in the program:

Candidates must maintain the 2.7 grade-point average throughout the program and demonstrate commitment to professional growth. A candidate failing to maintain these requirements will be placed on departmental probation and must meet the conditions of a professional development plan specified by the department or admission will be rescinded.

  5. Transition 3. Admission to Internship II. Internship II is normally taken during the senior year.
       Prior to registration for Internship II, candidates must meet the following requirements:
  1. Submission of a formal application (and corresponding paperwork) by the specified date during the semester prior to Internship II. (Application forms and dates for submission are sent via the Teacher Education Office.)
  2. Completion of specified prerequisites (see course descriptions for Internships).
  3. Completion of a minimum of 70% of required Teaching Field courses.
  4. A 2.7 cumulative grade-point average.
  5. A minimum grade of ‘C/2.0’ in each Teaching Field course.
  6. A minimum grade of ‘C/2.0’ in each Professional Education course.
  7. Evidence of dispositional growth using teacher candidate dispositional rubric.
  8. Successfully completed interview for transition 3.
  9. Approved by the Department of Teacher Education and PDS Advisory Committee.
  10. Praxis II Series - (Documentation of passing the Praxis II Content Knowledge test. Music Education candidates are required to provide documentation of passing the Praxis II Pedagogy test prior to Internship and the Praxis II Content Knowledge test during Internship.) All candidates are required to take the Educational Testing Service Praxis II Series consisting of professional and teaching field tests related to each area in which the candidates are seeking to be licensed. The examination is required for licensure and a report of scores must be sent to the Department of Teacher Education and the Arkansas State Department of Education. The “Detailed Information” portion of the Praxis II is kept on file for the purpose of analysis of candidates’ needs. Costs associated with these exams are the responsibility of the candidate.

Internship II

Candidates must successfully complete the Transition Point 3 interview and be formally admitted into the Department of Teacher Education Program before they can enroll in the Internship II.

Due to the nature of the Internship II (a full-time responsibility) candidates will be concurrently enrolled for designated course work. Athletes, choir members, etc., are not permitted to schedule internship during a semester of participation in a sport or other activity which would interfere with this capstone professional experience, unless arranged with the chair of the Department of Teacher Education. Other responsibilities (work, leadership, and required involvement) may not exceed 10 hours weekly and may not conflict with school responsibilities.

  6.  Graduation requirements.

a. Satisfaction of all graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.E.) or Bachelor of Music Education (B.Mus.Ed.) programs.

b. Recommendation by the department faculty upon completion of the Internship II experience.

c. A 2.7 cumulative grade-point average.

d. A minimum grade of ‘C/2.0’ in each Teaching Field course.

e. A minimum grade of “C/2.0’ in each Professional Education course.

  7.  Program completion and eligibility for an initial license.

a. Graduation.

b. Completion of all Arkansas licensure requirements including but not limited to passing all required Praxis assessments and completing all current professional development requirements for licensure.

Arkansas Licensure Testing Requirements include:

  • Praxis II Content Tests.
  • Praxis PLT or equivalent exam as defined by the Department of Teacher Education.
  • Pearson Foundations of Reading Test (for some programs).

While the licensure exams are not graduation requirements, they are requirements for Arkansas licensure and students are encouraged to take these assessments prior to graduation.

Transfer Students

The credentials of students transferring from an accredited college or university will be evaluated by the Registrar’s Office and by the chair of the Department of Teacher Education (or designee) for appropriate placement. Transfer students or JBU students transferring from another major may take restricted Professional Education courses their first semester with the approval of their education advisor. All exceptions required due to transfer or change of major will be submitted to the Department within the first semester for approval. All students transferring to education will be expected to complete all program requirements in effect at the time of the transfer. Candidates must complete all appropriate transition points and necessary requirements as determined by the Department of Teacher Education faculty.

Transfers from another college or university must spend a minimum of two semesters before application for Internship II.

Accelerated Master’s Program

The Department of Teacher Education also offers the ability for students to complete up to 12 credit hours of graduate courses during their junior and/or senior year that will count toward both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Students must meet certain requirements (including prerequisites) and should meet with their advisor for more information. This graduate credit can be applied toward a Master of Arts in Teaching, Masters in Education - Special Education, Masters in Education - Education Studies, or Masters in Education - School Counseling.